Arrested Development's Speech on why he wanted to lend his voice to the Alzheimer's Music Fest

speech arrested development
Arrested Development share the stage with co-headliners Drivin’ and Cryin’ and Cracker at the Alzheimer's Music Fest on Feb. 4 at Buckhead Theatre. (Photo by Todd McPhetridge)

According to an annual report released by the Alzheimer’s Association, 6 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s, with people of color making up the greater share of those afflicted. The Dementia Spotlight Foundation is dedicated to fighting the disease by educating, supporting and providing resources for patients and their families.

On Friday, Feb. 4, at the Buckhead Theatre, the Foundation is holding a benefit concert to help families and individuals living with dementia-related diseases. The executive director of The Dementia Spotlight Foundation, Whitney Oeltmann, and their director of development and special events, Vince Albert Zangaro, joined “City Lights” host Lois Reitzes via Zoom along with one of Friday’s performers, Speech from the Grammy-winning band Arrested Development. 

Whitney Oeltmann began their conversation by explaining the history behind the Foundation. “We were founded in 2017 following the diagnosis of my father at the age of 65,” said Oeltmann. Following his diagnosis and our search to find resources to help with his care … my mother and I just couldn’t quite find what we needed. Hence, we started the Foundation.”

When Zangaro’s father received his diagnosis of Alzheimer’s at 62, Zangaro was 29. The young aspiring musician took on his father’s care and soon felt overwhelmed. “I got a little frustrated of the lack of support that was out there for dementia families and people living with dementia, and so it was kind of just a natural ability of mine to bring a bunch of bands together and start a fest to try to help people get respite care at home and provide awareness for Alzheimer’s and dementia-related diseases,” Zangaro said. 

Now, the Alzheimer’s Music Fest will enjoy its ninth year of performances in Atlanta. The critically-acclaimed hip-hop alchemists of Arrested Development share the stage with co-headliners Drivin’ and Cryin’ and Cracker, along with Zangaro and others. For the uninitiated, Speech described Arrested Development as “a conscious hip-hop group.” He went on, “We tend to address issues like homelessness, Afrocentric ideas and philosophies, and somehow or another, it all still sounds very fun and light-hearted.” 

Speech expressed his sense of personal resonance with the cause and acknowledged artists’ unique potential to bring awareness. “Through music, a lot of people pay attention. They turn their head to an issue, or whatever we’re striving to spotlight, and no pun intended,” he said. “Alzheimer’s affects and dementia affects Black people here in this nation in a higher ratio than other races, and we really want people to feel empowered. So this is a great opportunity to do that.”

Among the other resources provided by the Dementia Spotlight Foundation is an innovative approach toward community engagement for those living with dementia: “connection cafés.” “A lot of people know them as memory cafés,” said Oeltmann. “It’s really, truly a fun, wonderful time for a caregiver and their person to be together and to socialize. We have learned that socialization is such an important part of this disease, of something that you can keep doing.”

More information about the Alzheimer’s Music Fest this Friday, Feb. 4, at Buckhead Theater, can be found at

Speech will also host WABE’s new music series, “Sounds like ATL” at City Winery on Feb. 8 at 8 pm. Tickets and more information can be found here.