At 16, Meet GSU Perimeter College’s Youngest 2020 Graduate

David Gaines is the youngest graduate candidate in Georgia State University Perimeter College’s Class of 2020.

Courtesy of Georgia State University

At 16 years old, David Gaines is the youngest graduate candidate in Georgia State University Perimeter College’s Class of 2020.

However, his accomplishments don’t stop there.

From an early age, Gaines said he knew he wanted to practice medicine. He enrolled at Georgia Perimeter College at 14 as a biology student with his sights set on becoming a doctor.

“Always, since 5 years old, I remember my first pediatrician appointment, and I just always wanted to go into medicine. I always wanted to help people,” Gaines told “Closer Look” host Rose Scott on Friday’s edition of the program.

Since then, Gaines’ interests have only grown. He currently aspires to become a neurologist, a neurosurgeon and an attorney specializing in health sector law and policy.

Gaines is now studying for the MCAT and plans to begin a six-year medical doctor and juris doctor dual-degree program in fall 2021.

He added he could not have achieved any of his accomplishments without the support of his mother, Pamela Gaines.

“If I ask something, she will do it and give 110% so, of course, I will give 110% back,” he said. “… So it’s great having that support system.”

To listen to the full conversation, click on the audio player above.