Atlanta artist Charity Hamidullah's work empowers people to be who they are

Atlanta artist Charity Hamidullah. (Courtesy of Stan Clawson)

On the “City Lights” series “Speaking of Art,” local artists share insights into their influences, processes, and experiences in town. This edition features visual artist Charity Hamidullah. “Over 18 years, I’ve been practicing the art of tattooing, but recently that has changed and transitioned into making mural art, making public art, a fine art practice,” Hamidullah said. “It just flows in so many different ways.” Hamidullah’s art focuses on making people feel more empowered about who they are. 

Hamidullah moved to Atlanta to work at the world-famous “City of Ink” tattoo shop and immediately knew this was home based on the overflow of creativity here. 

You can find more information about Charity Hamidullah’s work here.