Atlanta-based comedian Tamar Rubin revels being bitten by the comedy bug

Atlanta comedian Tamar Rubin. (Courtesy of Lindsay Morgan, @suncatstudio)

On the “City Lights” series “Speaking of Comedy,” Atlanta’s funniest locals share insights on the perks and perils of their profession. This edition features Atlanta-based comedian Tamar Rubin

“I would say standup comedy is always something that I wanted to do, but I always pushed off because I was scared,” Rubin said. “When I was in college, I really thought…’Once I graduate (and I went to school in New York), I’ll really, really try this.”

Rubin graduated during the pandemic in 2020 and ended up moving to Atlanta on a whim. After arriving, there was an open mic, and her attitude was, “Well, who knows what could happen? In Life, in general, in the world…?” She thought it was as good a time as any to try standup now. “Then I kind of got bit by the [comedy] bug, and that’s how I started.”

Rubin finds one of her biggest challenges in comedy is finding balance with the rest of her life.

“Because when you get bit by the comedy bug, it’s addictive. It’s all you want to do; it’s all you want to work for,” Rubin stated.

This can be great for one’s career; however, other things can fall to the wayside, like relationships and hobbies, and it’s a struggle Rubin still battles.

Find out more about the comedian Tamar Rubin on Instagram here.