Atlanta-based guaranteed income program expands to assist more Black women

Georgia Resilience and Opportunity Fund and GiveDirectly, launched the guaranteed income program In her Hands in 2022. (Courtesy of The GRO Fund)

Shamarra Woods says she had just enough money to cover her rent and other bills. She struggled to have money for food.

But that all changed when Woods was selected to participate in the guaranteed income In Her Hands program. The program aims to help Black women gain financial stability by providing direct cash payments to Black women in selected neighborhoods in Georgia.

Now after two years, the program is expanding to reach more Black women in more Atlanta neighborhoods.

On Monday’s edition of “Closer Look,” Rose talked with Woods and Hope Wollensack, the executive director of Georgia Resilience and Opportunity Fund. Wollensack discussed eligibility and the application process.

She also highlighted key findings of In Her Hands’ Year One Evaluation Report. Woods shared how the program helped her pay for childcare expenses and allowed her to spend more time with her two-year-old daughter.