Atlanta City Council Candidate Attracts High-Profile Endorsements

In a closely watched Atlanta City Council race, former Mayor Shirley Franklin and former City Council President Cathy Woolard are endorsing a political newcomer over a three-term incumbent.

At a Tuesday press conference in Old Fourth Ward, Franklin pointed to Councilman H. Lamar Willis’ recent disbarment.

“Ethics trumps politics. The current council member has ethical challenges and it’s time for us to make a change,” said Franklin.

She’s backing Georgia Tech administrator Andre Dickens for the Post 3 At-Large seat.

Franklin said Dickens is a “good, viable candidate” in a “winnable race.”

Also relevant is her personal connection to the candidate. Her son, Cabral, is a childhood friend of Dickens and is running his campaign. 

Even without the family connection, Woolard said Dickens has her vote in November, as well.

“Bring on a young leader who can set a new standard for ethics,” said Woolard. 

She hammered Wills for his personal conduct. In addition to the disbarment, Woolard repeatedly referenced his “fake charity.”  In 2009, the state fined Willis $25,000 for allowing his scholarship fund to falsely claim nonprofit status while soliciting donations.

Meanwhile, Franklin’s personal connection to the race doesn’t stop with her son. Her former campaign manager is Mayor Kasim Reed, who is a strong supporter of Willis. Last week, Reed reiterated his support for him and opened an attack on Dickens’ personal finances.  

Franklin dismissed the idea her endorsement had anything to do with Reed.

“I’m supporting [Dickens] because he’s the better candidate. That’s the only reason,” said Franklin.