Atlanta Jobless Rate Drops 0.4% in March; Seasonal Hiring Begins


Atlanta job seekers had a bit more luck in March. The Georgia Department of Labor reports that the unemployment rate in metro Atlanta dropped 0.4% in March to 7.9%.

45% of those new jobs came in the leisure and hospitality sector.

Seasonal hiring begins each March. The Georgia Department of Labor thinks the majority of 5,900 new jobs in leisure and hospitality in Atlanta are a reflection of that.

The good news, according to Labor Department spokesman Sam Hall, is that, for the last two years, the job growth from March to April has been larger than the growth from February to March. “So if everything stays on course as we’ve seen the last couple of years, we could expect another pretty substantial increase in the number of leisure and hospitality jobs for April,” said Hall.

There was some temporary hiring in March in advance of April’s Final Four tournament, but Hall says the statistical samplings are done earlier in the month and would not account for the tournament having a major labor impact on its own.