An Atlanta businesswoman gearing up to take one of the Seven Wonders of the modern World says she’s fully vaccinated and prepared for her adventure.
On Tuesday’s edition of “Closer Look” Lisa Simmons talked with show host Rose Scott about what she’s doing to prepare for her upcoming 10-day hiking trip to Machu Picchu.
I’m going with all women again, just like I did for Mount Kilimanjaro and we have another female guide who is Peruvian,” she explained.
Over the years, Simmons has worked to spread the mission of adaptive sports through her hiking trips, but in 2020 was forced to cancel plans to hike Mount Everest due to the pandemic.
She hiked Mount Kilimanjaro in 2019 and donated the proceeds to Blaze Sports America, a Norcross-based nonprofit that offers sport and recreational programs for people with mental and physical challenges.