Atlantans Have Questions About Obamacare

You will be able to start shopping for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act on Tuesday. WABE went to Ansley Mall to ask Atlantans what they know about the new government healthcare initiative and to find out what they want to know.

An audio version of this story

21-year-old Jabari Redd has health insurance now but doesn’t know whether he will when he gets older. “I would like to know what’s the full meaning of Obamacare,” said Redd. “You can’t really define something like, have input on it if you don’t know what it’s about.”

Most people we talked to knew that Obamacare would offer health insurance for those who don’t have it, but even those who do have coverage want to know more including 39-year-old Henry Bernard of Midtown who has just changed jobs. “I’d actually like to find out if my employer’s healthcare is better than what’s offered by Obamacare,” Bernard told WABE. “I’m guessing that it is, but I’d just like to find out the specifics.”

Mike Monahan, 52, lives in the Clairmont area and is self-employed, so he is looking at the new coverage possibilities from the perspective of a consumer and an employer. “Who’s eligible, coverages, what the premiums are going to look like and how it’s going to affect having 40 million new people on the system.  I mean, if it’s going to be cheaper and it’s just as much coverage, sure, I’ll look.  I’d be crazy not to.”

63-year-old Mike Weed of Cumming owns a small business. He is not a fan of the Affordable Care Act, saying, “I know nothing, and I’m looking to find nothing. I expect nothing. Anytime the government’s involved, we’re in trouble. But something needs to be done with insurance.”

Jo Ann Pope of Midtown is 68. She says she has closed her ears to all the political coverage of Obamacare but says she will start listening again soon. “I think that a lot of people need to have explanations as to what’s going to happen on Tuesday,” said Pope. “And I’m looking forward to it.”

The federal government website with information on health coverage under the Affordable Care Act is You can find further information at the website of WABE’s health partner,