The Bitter Southerner’s Love Note To Atlanta
Chuck Reece decided to call the web magazine he edits The Bitter Southerner because he was, as he freely admits, feeling bitter toward his native South at the time. In fact, Reece talked about his then-fledgling online journal with WABE’s Steve Goss last year.
But that name is arguably a misnomer for a publication that so clearly adores so much about the modern South.
Their latest weekly story is nothing short of a love note to the city of Atlanta.
Specifically, it’s a love note to the people who love Atlanta. The people who love it so much that they share their favorite pictures about Atlanta on Instagram and Twitter with the hashtag #weloveatl.
And this grass-roots love of Atlanta provided the impetus for Living Walls, an arts group we’ve featured on WABE before.
Reece’s point is that it’s the people who love a place who will be the best at showing that place to the rest of the world.
So we’d like to share the love by directing you to this week’s story in The Bitter Southerner.