Chair of Search Committee For Next Atlanta Superintendent Announced

Ann Cramer

This week the Atlanta Public Schools superintendent search committee will meet for the first time.

The newly named committee chairwoman says the group is committed to identifying the right finalists.

Ann Wilson Cramer is considered one of Atlanta’s movers and shakers.

She first arrived in Atlanta more than four decades ago and says her advocacy for education is stronger than ever.

“I am filled with optimism,” says the former IBM executive after being asked to serve as chair by APS board chairman Reuben McDaniel.

The search committee understands the task at hand according to Cramer and they’ll need to attract the best candidate for the next Atlanta Schools chief.

“It’s understanding what the needs are in our community, describing it in a way that’s not only attractive, but almost like a magnet to say come here.”

Cramer was a big supporter of recently indicted former APS superintendent Dr. Beverly Hall and says the cheating scandal and other indictments are disappointing.

However, Cramer is stressing the focus remain on the needs of all APS students.

The final selection of the next APS superintendent will rest with the Atlanta Board of Education.

The firm Proact Search has also been hired.

The full search committee includes:

Mayor Kasim Reid or his designee (Duriya Farooqui, COO, City of Atlanta)

Parent Organizations Representative – Abby Martin

Teacher Organizations Representative – Verdailia Turner

Atlanta Council of PTAs Representative – Melissa Hodge-Penn

Representatives Chosen by the ABE – Dr. Cynthia Kuhlman, Mr. Ernest Greer, Dr. Beverly Tatum and Ms. Ann Cramer

Members appointed by ABE Chairman Reuben McDaniel – William “Bill” Rogers, CEO SunTrust Bank; Emmett Johnson, At-Large Seat 9; Cecily Harsch-Johnson, District 3; Courtney English, At-Large Seat 7

Also a student from one of the district’s high schools will serve on the committee to provide input from a student’s perspective.


Ann Wilson Cramer is a board member of Atlanta Educational Telecommunications Collaborative, Inc., the parent company of Public Broadcasting Atlanta.

WABE’s broadcast license is held by the Atlanta Board of Education.