Cinderella Goes To Harlem In ‘Cindy The Musical’

Courtesy of Stepp Stewart

Never mind the Brothers Grimm, Disney or Brandy. A new Cinderella story plops the title character into 1943 Harlem.

“Cindy the Musical” is the brainchild of Stepp Stewart, who has made his mark both in music and in theater. He based the show off of a 1978 television special of the same name.

“Cindy in this story … doesn’t wear the glass slippers. She wears sneakers,” Stewart said in an interview with Lois Reitzes. “The African-American family is going through wartime in Harlem, and also it’s the Harlem Renaissance … It’s regal, but there is still a sense of trying to make it.”

The musical has a two-day run this weekend, Feb. 17 and 18, at the Porter Sanford III Performing Arts Center in Decatur. You can hear more from Stewart and actress Nzinga Imani, who plays one of the evil step-sisters, in the interview above.

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