City Releases 10 Property Deeds To Atlanta Public Schools

Stephanie M. Lennox / WABE

The city of Atlanta has released the deeds of 10 school properties to the Atlanta Board of Education.

It’s the latest development in a battle between  Atlanta and the school system, as the city continues to hold deeds to dozens of Atlanta Public Schools properties.

The city wanted APS to develop an affordable housing policy for the properties. The school system complied last month.

Monday, the Atlanta City Council voted to give up 10 of the deeds. They belong to the properties Benteen, Adamsville, Daleview Drive Facility, Claire Drive Facility, Wright, West Atlanta, Milton Avenue, Arkwright, Anderson Park and Adair.

APS said it was waiting to receive an official communication from the city. The school system, however, maintains that it wants all of its deeds back — not just 10.

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