Cobb County Hiring 47 New Firefighters

Cobb Co. Fire

Cobb County is looking to hire nearly 50 new firefighters.

A broadcast version of this story

Since 2008, the county has lost more than seven percent of its firefighters. In the last few years, Lt. Dan Dupree says the Fire Department has just had to make do, telling WABE, “Some days there’s some units that that are shut down, and their capabilities are moved to another unit, so it’s been a struggle.”

With the economy improving, the fire department is trying to get back to full complement. A class of 25 recruits will start training next month, but that still leaves 22 openings.

“We’re looking for someone enjoys serving others, being part of a team,” says Dupree. “Being a firefighter, in my mind, is the best career in the world.”

To make it into the training class, you have to pass a written test. The county will offer the test August 20-22, 2013. To see if you have the potential to make the grade, a practice exam and full details on the job are on the county’s website:

If you pass, training will take between five and eight months depending on your current qualifications.

Starting pay is $38,300 per year.

The Cobb County Fire and Emergency Services have produced a number of videos about their department, including this one showing some of the exercises recruits have to master before they can start working as firefighters.  The images at the start of this story were taken from this video.