Come along for a Georgia presidential history summer road trip

Built in 1888, the Plains Depot, the site of Jimmy Carter's 1976 Presidential Campaign Headquarters, is the oldest building in Plains, Georgia. (Sam Gringlas/WABE News)

The Peach State could be a deciding factor in the 2024 presidential election, as it was in 2020. But Georgia’s status as a critical state in presidential history isn’t new.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt built the Little White House in Warm Springs, Georgia, in 1932 while governor of New York, prior to his inauguration as president in 1933. (Sam Gringlas/WABE News)

On this week’s special Independence Day episode of “Plugged In: A WABE Politics Podcast,” politics reporter Sam Gringlas takes listeners on a summer road trip to a pair of towns that helped shape former presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Georgia’s own Jimmy Carter.