Councilwoman Arrested for DUI, But Do Atlanta Voters Care?

Despite a recent DUI arrest, long-time Atlanta City Councilwoman Cleta Winslow intends to remain in her post and run for reelection.

Will voters care come November?

Georgia State University professor Harvey Newman, an expert on Atlanta city government, doesn’t think so.

Dating back to civil rights icon and former Atlanta City Councilman Hosea Williams, Newman says Atlantans are typically forgiving voters.

“Bless his heart, he was a very courageous lieutenant of Dr. King, but he had some personal lapses when it came to alcohol abuse, and I recall more than a single incident but I don’t recall voters ever turning him out of office.”

Newman couldn’t think of a single council member getting voted out of office due specifically to a personal indiscretion, alcohol-related or otherwise.

“I have not seen evidence voters are willing to punish elected officials in the Atlanta area. It has not seemed to generate voter wrath.”

Winslow, who will plead not guilty when she heads to court in June, has held office since 1993. This November’s race has so far attracted one challenger.