DeKalb Co. Schools Offers GED Classes For Parents

The DeKalb County school district and Georgia Piedmont Technical College will offer General Education Diploma (GED) classes for parents and guardians this summer.

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The DeKalb County school district is partnering with Georgia Piedmont Technical College to offer General Education Diploma (GED) classes for parents and guardians this summer.

More than 11 percent of DeKalb County residents over the age of 25 don’t have a high school diploma, according to census data. The district says more than 100 people attended information sessions about the program.

“We have a lot of adults who are now ready,” says Manomay Malathip, the district’s executive director of student advancement. “They’ve either matured or the value of education looks different this time around. They are now prepared and ready to commit.”

Candidates need to prove a certain level of knowledge before they can take the courses. Those who don’t meet that standard can get free tutoring help from the district.

A pilot group of 17 students started class May 21. Those students will finish in July. Malathip says the district plans to start the second round of classes in August.

A GED could help some of those parents advance in their careers, Malathip says.

“If we help our parents do better, and they can find employment because they have a high school diploma, or they can get a promotion, or they can move from one position or one company to another so they can increase their income…we believe that when parents feel good and do well, that our kids will do well,” she says.

The more parents know, Malathip says, the better they may be at helping their kids learn.

Right now, the district covers the cost of classes and tutoring. Malathip says DeKalb plans to expand the program to help parents with childcare, transportation, and the cost of the GED test itself. Malathip says the program plans eventually plans to partner with local colleges to help parents move on to higher education.