Dept. of Labor Accidentally Releases Confidential Data of 4,400+ Georgia Residents

Nearly 4,500 residents of Cobb and Cherokee Counties should be on the lookout for an email or letter from the Georgia Department of Labor (DOL) because their confidential information has been compromised.

Late yesterday, an employee in the state labor office that serves Cherokee and Cobb Counties hit “send” on an email. It was meant to be an internal communications, but instead the email went to about 1,000 Department of Labor clients.

The email contained names, phone numbers and even Social Security numbers of 4,457 clients. Within minutes, labor officials say they got a phone call from one of the email recipients alerting them to the problem.

DOL spokesman Sam Hall says it was just human error, but now the department is taking steps to help the victims.

He says everyone whose information was compromised will get an email, being sent out late today, alerting them about the problem and giving instructions on how to access free credit monitoring service from Equifax.

Hall says the DOL will follow up with a letter to the affected clients. He says that letter will be mailed today.

The employee who sent the email has been suspended pending further investigation.