Downtown Ferris Wheel to Open Soon

Skyview Atlanta

After only weeks of construction, Skyview Atlanta, the 20 story-high Ferris wheel in Centennial Park, is set to open in the next week. 

The privately financed site, which experienced delays in opening due to weather and construction issues, will fashion 42 gondolas including one VIP gondola, adorned with a glass floor and leather seats.

Skyview spokesman, Jason Evans, is thrilled about the new Atlanta attraction.      

“We think this will be yet another driver of the revitalization and the growth of the entire downtown Atlanta and Centennial Olympic Park area.”

While the site will not be a huge job driver, 50 people have already been hired and 20 or so jobs will soon come as the project progresses.

Evans also described how Skyview is also set to partner with their neighbor, the Tabernacle.

“We’re going to be a combined venue,” said Evans. “There are going to be a lot of events that happen at the Tabernacle that include Skyview. There are going to be events that happen at Skyview that include the Tabernacle, so I think it’s a great partnership that we’ve got with them and with all the businesses, all the attractions that are in that area.

And after moving from both Paris and Florida, Evans feels this Ferris wheel will be a permanent Atlanta attraction.           

“If Skyview does the kind of business we expect it to here in Atlanta, it’s going to be here for a very, very long time. The city is already embracing it so much, and we think the city is going to continue to embrace it going forward.”

Skyview tickets will include discounts for both seniors and the military, and their website can be found through this link.