Evelyn Lowery Funeral Set for Today

Evelyn and Joseph Lowery protest against the Afghanistan war, 8/24/2012

Jonathan Shapiro/WABE

Civil rights icon Evelyn Lowery will be laid to rest today.

One of the officiants at her funeral will be the senior pastor of Cascade United Methodist Church, the congregation her husband, the Rev. Joseph Lowery, used to lead.

An audio version of this story

Rev. Marvin Moss is quick to mention Evelyn Lowery’s peaceful demeanor but also “her very intentional and deliberate response to challenge.” Said Moss, “She was a woman that you did not mess with, but she would help everyone. She did anything she could for anyone who was in need.”

As with many who’ve recalled Lowery’s life, Moss talks about the trips to Alabama she organized each year for students to visit sites important in the civil rights movement. “So that they could touch, they could be a part of history,” said Moss. “And then she could then share what she went through and the part that she played, and I think that it brought it home for quite a few young people.”

Mrs. Lowery’s homegoing celebration begins at 11 a.m. in the Martin Luther King, Jr., International Chapel on the campus of Morehouse College.