Experts Forecast Hot Spending Summer In Atlanta, But Not All Businesses Will See Pre-Pandemic Comeback

“The pandemic was like a gut punch, in which what would have happened in a typical recession, in a year or year-plus, happened in two months,” says Rajeev Dhawan, who leads the economic forecasting center in the J. Mack Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University.

After a year of restrictions, shelter-in-place orders and pandemic-related economic uncertainty, it looks like Atlanta’s economy is coming back to life.

From wedding gifts to vacation reservations, we’re looking to spend money this summer on anything that makes up for the one we missed last year.

That leads to an unprecedented economic forecast — where some businesses and corporations could thrive, and others may never make a full comeback.

When Dhawan talked about where Atlantans will be spending their money this summer with WABE’s “All Things Considered” host Jim Burress, it started with a conversation about what the next few months might look like, given recent gains for major corporations in Georgia.

Lily Oppenheimer contributed to this report.