Falcons’ Preferred Stadium Site Remains Elusive, Alternate Site Readied

The Atlanta Falcons

The Atlanta Falcons want to reach a deal to build a new stadium south of the Georgia Dome. However, attempts to buy the necessary property have so far failed.

As a result, the Georgia World Congress Center Wednesday moved forward with feasibility studies on the alternative site, north of the Dome.

Congress Center chief Frank Poe says GWCC, which owns and operates the Dome, is covering its bases in case two historic churches refuse to sell their property by the previously stated deadline of August 1.

“We’re preparing ourselves that should the Falcons determine the south site not feasible that we’ve already taken action to support north site feasibility assessments.”

The assessments, which include environmental studies and other survey data, must be complete by October 1 for the Falcons to build on the north site.

Poe says they can still strike a deal with the churches, adding negotiations remain ongoing. He wouldn’t comment further.

Mike Koblentz, chair of the Northwest Community Alliance, is against any plans to move the new stadium to the north site.  He said it would wall off an entire section of the city.

“The north site is just a ridiculous location and there will be tremendous opposition if they move in that direction. It’s wrong and unacceptable,” said Koblentz.

Whatever the location, the Falcons want to start construction next summer and be done by the 2017 football season.