Farris out as SCLC President

The nephew of the late Martin Luther King, Jr. is not leading the civil rights organization his uncle helped start. This afternoon, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference said Isaac Newton Farris is no longer its President.

SCLC board chair Dr. Bernard LaFayette did not clearly explain the change in leadership. At first, he said Farris told him he has a lot of other things to do.

“He has burdened with some other responsibilities that kind of thing,” LaFayette said.

But when pressed on whether Farris resigned or if the board ousted him, LaFayette admitted the entire board was not satisfied.

“There were some, of course, who may not have been happy and there were others who were,” LaFayette said.

LaFayette also said the board has final say on all leadership decisions. It’s unclear why some board members weren’t happy with Farris. LaFayette thanked Farris for stepping in after former SCLC President Howard Creecy died last July. The group’s vice President, C.T. Vivian, is now interim President. SCLC hopes to pick a new leader before its annual conference this summer.

Farris has not returned our request for an interview.

This is not the first time dispute within SCLC have led to a leadership change. LaFayette said internal strife has ruined other civil rights organizations. He said he wants to “maintain the life” of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.