Female Student Arrested For Carrying Gun At New Schools at Carver

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Officials with the Atlanta Public Schools and the Atlanta Police Department say a 15-year old female student was arrested on Tuesday at the New Schools at Carver High located in south Atlanta.

The student was in possession of a gun. And it was a loaded gun, says APD major Keith Meadows.

“One of our school resources officers actually received an anonymous tip from a student at the school that another female was actually carrying a handgun in her purse.”

Major Meadows is in charge of APS’ school detectives unit.The audio for this story.

“Our school resources officers actually got with school administrators, they game planned and went and found the student and it was at that time they managed to recover a .22 caliber handgun.”

According to Major Meadows, the 15 year old claims she was holding the gun for another student.

“She gave us that student’s name. Subsequently, we were able to place him in custody as well in connection with that particular handgun.”

As for how the gun made it inside the school, APS chief of safety and security Maquenta Sands told WABE that’s not clear, because all the metal detectors were working.

“There are a lot of possibilities as to how the gun could have made its way into the school. Of course, I think the best source of information is for the student(s) to tell us.”

According to Sands there are held hand wands and metal detectors at Carver.

However, Chief Sands maintains it will be the responsibility of the Atlanta Police Department to determine how the gun made into the high school.

Sands says the district will inform parents and the community of any pertinent information regarding the incident.