Fulton County, City Of South Fulton Officials Discuss Land Transfers, Lawsuit

Robb Pitts, chairman of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, spoke with “Morning Edition” host Lisa Rayam about what he views as the main sticking point with the new city of South Fulton over transfer of properties.

Maria White Tillman / WABE

This week, the Fulton County Commission addressed an “intent to sue letter” sent by the attorney for the new city of South Fulton.

At issue?

Various properties that the county must turn over by law.

William “Bill” Edwards, who was elected as the first mayor of the city of South Fulton on April 18, 2017, also discussed the property transfers. (Lisa Rayam/WABE)


Mayor Edwards’ response


Once negotiations turned sour, the threat of a lawsuit did not surprise Fulton County Chairman Robb Pitts.

Pitts joined WABE’s “Morning Edition” host Lisa Rayam to discuss what he views as the main sticking point and how he feels the commission has acted in good faith.

Meanwhile, the city of South Fulton may not sue Fulton County after all.

South Fulton Mayor William “Bill” Edwards told Rayam that despite the differences, a deal is now in the works that could  prevent a tenuous situation from getting worse.