Gas prices in metro Atlanta continue to rise. According to AAA, a gallon of regular gas costs an average of $3.86. Meanwhile, some gas stations have gone beyond the four dollar a gallon mark. Jessica Brady, a spokesperson for AAA, says there are several reasons gas prices in metro Atlanta continue to inch up. And Brady says prices could go higher.
However Brady says if trends mirror last year, gas prices could peak in May and start to retreat. But if gas prices remain high, Brian Carr with the Clean Air Campaign says he expects more to explore alternative transportation methods.
“I think it’s only a matter of time before the costs eat away at household budgets, where people really can’t sustain this for very long by driving alone and not looking for alternatives. It’s the same situation we experienced in 2008.
But CarR says it might take more to change drivers habits this time around.
He says when gas hit $4.00 a gallon in 2008, thousands took advantage of financial incentives the Clean Air Campaign offers for commuters to carpool, vanpool, telecommute and use mass transit. But because gas prices have already been high this year, Carr says it might take $4.50 cents a gallon or higher for drivers to explore other options.