Georgia Gwinnett College Starts Nursing Program

Diane White

Between 2003 and 2011, the number of nurses in Georgia dropped by 21%. That’s according to the State Department of Public Health. To address the nursing shortage, Georgia Gwinnett College will start their own nursing program.

The 2010 Institute of Health Report says “nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system.”

That inspired Dr. Diane White. She’s the dean of the Georgia Gwinnett College School of Health Sciences.

“I got involved with the state level and how could we go about increasing the level of nursing education for entry level nurses to the baccalaureate level.”

White noticed Georgia’s “supply of [nurses] is going down, and demand is going up.”

“You look at the amount of individuals that are seeking health care in this state and then the amount of occupations able to give that care. There is definitely a gap.”

The Georgia Board of Nursing and State Board of Regents approved the nursing program. Georgia Gwinnett will start accepting students into the program in the fall of 2014.