Georgia Insurers, Small Businesses Pleased with ACA Mandate Delay

The White House’s decision to push back a key part of the Affordable Care Act is getting praise from Georgia insurance companies and small businesses.

The Obama administration pushed back, by a year, the mandate for companies with at least 50 workers to provide employee health insurance.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia issued a statement that says, “We appreciate that the administration is being responsive to the concerns employers and insurers have raised about the workability of the reporting requirements related to employer health care coverage.”

Kyle Jackson, Georgia’s representative for the National Federation of Independent Business, says that year could provide enough time to make some changes in the law. “We think the problem with health insurance in this country is the affordability,” said Jackson. “And unfortunately the President’s law gets at some coverage issues. But it doesn’t do a whole lot for the affordability for most Americans. “

Jackson says his organization will continue to push for repeal of the law.