Georgia State University law school class experiences Paris Olympics

Georgia State University law professor Mo Ivory is taking her students to the Paris Olympics for a weeklong, all-expenses-paid trip to study the business and legal issues related to the Olympics.
Georgia State University Professor Moraima "Mo" Ivory speaks before the final night of a class she teaches called Legal Life of Rick Ross in Atlanta on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 2023. (AP Photo/Ben Gray)

Georgia State University law professor Moraima “Mo” Ivory is in Paris with her students to study the legalities of hosting the Olympics this summer. In previous iterations of her “Legal Life” class, Ivory has brought celebrities like Steve Harvey to her classroom for entertainment law discussions. This time, thanks to a donation from Delta Air Lines, her law students traveled to Paris to study the business and legal aspects of the Olympics.

Ivory, who directs the university’s entertainment, sports and media law program, has brought in notable guest speakers during the semester to emphasize the concepts students are learning, including the general counsel of the U.S. Olympic Committee and Olympian Edwin Moses. In Paris, Ivory said she and her students have planned to visit the Olympic Village, attend the opening ceremony and learn about legal issues related to the Games.

Ivory said she believes the experience will enhance their understanding of the legal concepts behind major events like the Olympics. She said she hopes this trip will provide her students with valuable insights and connections that will benefit their future careers in law.

Christopher Alston contributed to this report.