Georgia World Congress Center Dropping State Health Plan, Others May Follow

The Georgia World Congress Center is withdrawing from the state employee health plan due to its increased cost.

About a dozen state authorities and local school districts are also seeking cheaper alternatives.

The Georgia World Congress Center will withdraw January 1st. It has nearly 300 employees enrolled in the plan.

“We did find out that our claims were closer to $2 million for our employees…between us and our employees paying close to $5 million for $2 to $2.5 million in claims, that didn’t make a lot of sense to us,” said GWCC Chief Financial Officer Sherrie Spinks.

Spinks says a private insurer will cover her employees for about half the cost.   

The state employee health plan has about 650,000 enrollees. State officials recently announced premium hikes of about 10 percent for most workers on the plan.

The Department of Community Health, which administers the program, is facing a shortfall of more than $350 million for the upcoming year.