Gov. Deal Signs Concussion Bill

Governor Nathan Deal signed a bill at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite Tuesday requiring young athletes suspected of having a concussion to be removed from games and medically examined. Those are just some of the components primary and secondary schools will have to include in new policies required by the bill to address concussions.

Under the Return to Play Act of 2013, if doctors determine a young athlete has a concussion they’re not allowed to return to play until receiving clearance from a medical professional.

The act also requires schools to distribute an information sheet to parents about the risks of concussions and head injuries. Governor Deal says the bill will help protect young athletes.

“I think will go long way toward preventing the very serious injuries that sometimes occur if you return to play too quickly after you suffer a head injury or a concussion.”

The bill signing comes after several years of work by the National Football League, the Atlanta Falcons, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and lawmakers. Currently, there are more than 40 other U.S. states with youth concussion laws.