Gov. Deal Won’t Be Testifying In Trial Of Citizen Journalist

The judge ruled that the subpoena served to Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal was “unreasonable and oppressive” and ruled that it be dismissed.

David Goldman / Associated Press file

A judge has ruled that a subpoena served to Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal should be dismissed in the trial of a woman who calls herself a citizen journalist.

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Thursday’s ruling by Senior Superior Court Judge Martha Christian means the governor will not be testifying in the trial of Nydia Tisdale, The Times of Gainesville reported.

Tisdale was arrested Aug. 23, 2014, during a Republican Party rally at a Dawsonville pumpkin farm. She was led away shouting, her arm pinned behind her back, as candidates and spectators looked on.

She was then charged with obstruction of an officer and trespassing after an altercation with a Dawson County sheriff’s captain.

Tisdale took the stand Friday, testifying that she felt “pain and terror” as the sheriff’s captain hauled her from the rally and pinned her against a nearby counter, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

“With him pushing his groin against my buttocks I felt like I was being raped with my clothes on,” Tisdale told jurors.

Former Attorney General Sam Olens testified that he watched as Tisdale was held down to be handcuffed and heard her cry out, the Atlanta newspaper reported.

“That was a shriek that came from a lot of pain,” Olens said.

Several local residents who witnessed the beginning of the encounter testified Thursday, the Gainesville newspaper reported.

Republican officials who attended the rally also testified, saying they were not given any indication that filming wasn’t allowed, and that they had not objected to Tisdale filming the speeches. They included Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, Georgia School Superintendent Richard Woods and Olens.

“In politics, you pretty much assume that someone is recording you all the time,” state Labor Commissioner Mark Butler said.

Tisdale is known for attending city council meetings, county commission meetings and events where politicians are speaking. She uploads the videos, or “nydeos,” to her website. She doesn’t interview people or provide commentary, preferring to simply document.

On Thursday, the judge ruled that the subpoena Tisdale’s lawyers served to the governor was “unreasonable and oppressive” and ruled that it be dismissed. Deal was among those seated closest to Tisdale when she was removed from the rally, the Atlanta newspaper reported. Defense attorneys said they wanted him to testify about what he had witnessed.

If convicted, Tisdale faces up to five years in prison.