Grant to Help Georgia’s Community Health Centers Reach Uninsured

Courtesy: St. Joseph's

The federal government Wednesday announced $150-million in grants to community health centers in all 50 states.   

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Georgia’s cut is about $3.3-million, split between 28 centers across the state.

The money will  go toward outreach and education to those who are uninsured, but now eligible for health coverage under the Affordable Care act.

According to the federal Department of Health and Human Services, that includes more than 100,000 Georgians.

St. Joseph’s Mercy Care Services plans to help about 6,400 of those, says Kenneth Prince, who handles grants for the Atlanta community health center.

“This effort would be to educate those folk about the federal exchange, and make them aware of what those eligibility requirements are, and if we have a match, assist them in signing up for those benefits.”

Prince says St. Joseph will use its grant to hire three new staffers within the next 60 days.

And they’ll have to get to work pretty quickly.

Enrollment for the federal exchange begins Oct. 1st.