Gun Amendment Fails, Prompting Groans and Cheers in Georgia

An amendment that would have expanded background checks for gun buyers as part of a larger gun bill failed to get the 60 votes needed to pass the U.S. Senate yesterday. The vote pleases local gun rights activists and has left supporters of the amendment dismayed.

Morehouse College students who rallied in favor of the amendment with Mayors Against Illegal guns are upset Georgia U.S Senators Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson voted against the measure. Ronnie Mosely is a Morehouse senior.

“Quite frankly, I’m just appalled by it. We had such great public support behind this amendment and it really should have been a clear choice. It really raises the question as to who are our Senators representing?”

Meanwhile, Jerry Henry with GeorgiaCarry.Org says the expanded background checks would have infringed on second amendment rights and would not have prevented gun violence.

“Criminals are not going to stand for background check. They’re going to do what they always do. They’re going to buy them online from someone who’s stolen them, or they’re going to steal them themselves.”

The measure would have expanded background checks to include all Internet sales and transactions at gun shows.