H. Johnson highlights legendary prodigy and hard-bop trumpeter Lee Morgan

WABE host H. Johnson (WABE)

WABE’s H. Johnson has been a fixture on our station since 1978. As host of both “Blues Classics” and “Jazz Classics,” H. continually educates and entertains WABE listeners every Friday and Saturday night. H. joins “City Lights” every other Friday to share a bit from his breadth of jazz knowledge.

The segment “H. Johnson’s Jazz Moment” explores selections from the best of H.’s music collection, along with tidbits from history, personal reflections, and his thoughts on the evergreen resonance of jazz. 

“Now, when I say trumpet player a lot of people think only of Miles Davis, but you forget people like Kenny Dorham, Dizzy Gillespie… and Fats Navarro,” says Johnson.

“A young guy that made whopping contributions to the world of jazz and a lot of trumpet players were influenced by him instead of Miles Davis. I’m talking about Lee Morgan.”

In this segment, H. Johnson featured trumpeter Lee Morgan and his rendition of the ballad “Flamingo.”

Catch H.’s Blues Classics show tonight and every Friday beginning at ten, and do return for Jazz Classics every Saturday night beginning at 8, right here on 90.1 WABE.