Home Depot Strikes Deal With Google Cloud Platform

Michael Kappel (cropped) / flickr.com/m-i-k-e

 An audio version of this story.

The Home Depot has started using the Google Cloud Platform for some of its data.

Officials with the Atlanta-based company wouldn’t specify what kind of company information its entrusting to Google, nor would they say whether this has anything to do with the recent data breach that affected tens of millions of Home Depot customers.

“IT security is of the utmost importance, regardless of any of the technology platforms you’re using. I mean, that is across the enterprise, and that will continue to be on the forefront,” said Home Depot spokesman Stephen Holmes.

Martin Fisher, an Atlanta-based IT security manager, said using cloud technology can be cost-effective and safe.

“More and more companies are starting to entrust Amazon and Microsoft and Google with very large amounts of very sensitive data and it’s working for them,” he said.

Earlier this month, Home Depot agreed to a $19.5 million settlement with customers affected by the data breach.