New research from The Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement (GLISI) suggests school principals may need some help getting the job done.
“One of the things that we’re finding — and that we know to be true — is that the role of the principal is just growing increasingly demanding and complex,” says Meca Mohammed, vice president of operations and talent for GLISI.
The idea is to figure out where principals need help, then size up teachers’ skill sets to see if they can pitch in. But Mohammed admits it’s a delicate balance, trying to avoid burying teachers in more work.
“How can we get creative with ensuring that we’re not overburdening or overtaxing these individuals at the classroom level who step up to assume leadership responsibilities in the school?” she says.
Some districts have already started thinking this way. For example, Atlanta Public Schools and Fulton County School System offer financial incentives for teachers who take on leadership roles.