Hundreds in Atlanta Protest Zimmerman Verdict

Hundreds of people marched in downtown Atlanta Monday night in protest of George Zimmerman’s acquittal in the shooting of Trayvon Martin. 

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The marchers – wearing hoodies and holding signs reading  ”Justice for Trayvon” – gathered in front of the CNN Center. 

Derrick Rice, senior pastor at Sankofa United Church of Christ, was one of the rally’s coordinators.

“We organized to make a statement to the world that the lives our children really do matter,” Rice says. 

The demonstrators, including Yolande Christian, protested the verdict.

“All of us are feeling like this verdict can be legal but at the same time, it’s unjust. It’s setting an unjust precedent,” Christian says. 

Another march is scheduled to be held on Saturday in Atlanta to coincide with other demonstrations across the country.