Lights Out for Low-Efficiency Incandescent Bulbs

Cristophe via /

  Whether you know it or not, one of your New Year’s resolutions will be conserving energy.

Starting January 1, most 40 and 60 watt incandescent light bulbs will no longer be manufactured for sale in the United States.

“This is the final phase of the multi-year incandescent phase-out, which began in 2012 to increase the nation’s efficiency,” says Mark Voykovic, Home Depot’s national light bulb merchant.

An audio version of this story.

The Environmental Protection Agency says the old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs turned 10% of its energy into light, while the remaining 90% produced heat.

The approved bulbs will cost more than the old bulbs, but will be more energy-efficient and will last noticeably longer.

  “If you can go up there that one time and replace it and not have to replace it again for possibly up to 23 years, imagine how that will also help in the replacement cost of these lightbulbs,” says Voykovic.

This move was ignited by a 2007 bill signed by the Bush Administration.