Local Reaction to Ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi

Capital Broadcasting Center / http://cbc-eg.com/

 Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi has been ousted.

WABE’s Rose Scott and Elly Yu report on initial reaction from Metro Atlanta observers.

It’s been two years since the Egyptian revolution, when Hosni Mubarak was put out of power.

And a year since Mohamed Morsi was then elected president.

But now he’s out.

Lawrence Rubin is a professor of international affairs at Georgia Tech, with a specialization in Middle East politics.

He spoke from Jerusalem today about how the situation in Egypt came about.

“One of the primary driving factors is frustrating expectations that have built over the last two years, in part, there was an elected government that not everyone was satisfied with, and also what it’s done since it’s been in power.”

One example, says Professor Rubin, was Morsi’s inability to reduce Egypt’s economic instability.

“This tourism sector has been beyond devastated. This decline in economically has especially hurt the middle class, and has hurt all Egyptians, and of course, this has led to a certain level of frustration.”

Rubin says it’s still a very unstable situation for the future, and the military sees itself as stabilizing it.

Sameh Abdelaziz has lived half his life in Egypt and the other half in the United States.

With nearly 62-hundred miles between Atlanta and his native land, he’s watching news coverage of yet another regime change.

“I’m not as afraid as last time because you know what Egyptians learned a lot, learned to come out for their own rights and because of that there will be a better government, there will be a better tomorrow for Egypt.”

And somewhere in the massive crowds, is Sameh Abdelaziz’s daughter.

She’s a journalist working for one of the networks.

“And that makes me happy that she witnessed these wonderful and very history changing events in her dad’s Motherland.”

Despite her 18 hour working days Sameh Abdelaziz says his daughter does send text messages to let him know she’s safe.