Mark Kendall Presents One-Man Show, ‘Diversity Now!’

Atlanta comedian Mark Kendall will read his script “Diversity Now!” at Dunwoody Nature Center on Sunday afternoon.

Noelle Peterson

Last year, Starbucks implemented a “racial bias training seminar” in regards to a controversial arrest of two African-American men sitting in a Philadelphia Starbucks.

That instance, along with personal diversity training seminars Mark Kendall had been apart of, is what inspired his new comedic play “Diversity Now!” The play is a part of Found Stages’ “Wine and Reading Series.” In Kendall’s one-man performance, he will address the crowd as if they are the new black employees who’ve been hired to ‘diversify’ the company.

“I think sometimes when the conversations about diversity and inclusion are had, and this is just from my experience, the feelings of the majority is what’s prioritized. I think when that happens, it gets in the way of having a truly honest conversation,” said Kendall.

In his show he will cover topics like:

  • What it’s like to be the only person of color at a majority white business
  • How to recover from daily microaggressions
  • How to talk to your white co-workers about Ariel being black in the live action remake; among other things.

The event will take place on Sunday from 2-4pm at the Dunwoody Nature Center.