NAACP Picks Georgia to Launch National Voting Campaign

In the last presidential election, minorities turned out to the polls in record numbers.

But since then, the NAACP says the voting rights of minorities across the US have been under attack.

To counter what they say is a growing trend towards disenfranchisement,  leaders Wednesday unveiled the “This is My Vote” campaign at Clark-Atlanta University.

“If you have email… register someone to vote,” Rev. Dr. William Barber, an NAACP board member, told the small crowd.

Campaign organizers plan to engage voters through any channel possible—from the church pulpit to social media.

Because Georgia has implemented tougher Photo ID and proof of citizen laws since the last presidential campaign, Georgia NAACP president Edward DuBose said voters needs to know their ballots count.

“Georgia’s one of the states under attack.  Our voting rights [are] under attack,” he said.   “We’ve seen tough voting right legislation passed.  We’ve seen tough immigration legislation passed.    We’ve seen Georgia revert back to this Jim Crow era.”

In other parts of the US, the NAACP says states have reduced early and absentee voting days, made it harder for felons to have their voting rights restored, and in general, made it harder for all voters to register.