NCRA to foster cross-racial dialogue, while preserving Sweet Auburn history

Robert Henderson, a board member of the National Center for Race Amity (left), and Dr. William "Smitty" Smith (right), the founding executive director, share how their organization is combating racial prejudice and fostering racial amity. (Courtesy of National Center for Race Amity)

Efforts to revitalize the historic Sweet Auburn neighborhood have been underway for years.

Before 2024 is over, the National Center for Race Amity plans to be a part of that revitalization in their renovated building located at 395 Edgewood Avenue. In that space, they aim to preserve local history, while also fostering racial harmony by starting conversations on inclusivity and belonging.

On Thursday, June 13, NCRA is hosting a symposium in Atlanta on how to move from the concept to the action of race amity.

On Tuesday’s edition of “Closer Look,” as part of a weeklong series ahead of Juneteenth, Dr. William “Smitty” Smith, the founding executive director of the NCRA, and board member Robert Henderson talked with show host Rose Scott about the event. During the discussion, they also shared details about their soon-to-open community center.

You can also join “Closer Look” for our annual Juneteenth event on Thursday, June 13, 2024 at the Atlanta History Center.