Newly signed bill lays out funding and governing process for state charter schools

Governor Nathan Deal signed legislation today that spells out how a proposed constitutional amendment to allow the state to authorize charter schools would be implemented. The law depends on the passage of the amendment which goes before voters in November.

The newly signed legislation allows for the creation of a governing body similar to the Georgia Charter Schools Commission, which was declared unconstitutional last year. The law also lays out the process for how state funding would flow to charter schools. Tony Roberts heads the Georgia Charter Schools Association:

“This is really going to help the children of Georgia who seek and need additional school options, especially public charter schools.”

Roberts says under the law, only state funding and not local money would go to charter schools. But Angela Palm with the Georgia School Boards Association remains concerned.

“You may not be directly taking the local money but the impact of this is definitely going to impact the local funding.”

The association also worries the proposed amendment and the newly signed legislation gives the state too much authority.