Nikki Bedi comes to Atlanta with BBC ‘The Arts Hour’ live tour

Nikki Bedi poses for a photograph against a wooden fence.
Nikki Bedi comes to Atlanta with BBC "The Arts Hour." (Courtesy of Tenee Attoh)

Nikki Bedi curates, writes, and hosts “The Arts Hour” weekly on the BBC World Service, bringing listeners an array of rich arts and culture stories. 

“The Arts Hour” airs Saturdays at 5 a.m. on WABE 90.1 and spotlights dynamic artists, musicians, authors, and entertainers from around the globe.

Several times a year, “The Arts Hour” goes on tour, speaking with artists in front of live audiences. On Saturday, Sept. 7, Nikki Bedi will interview some prominent Atlanta artists in front of a live audience at the WABE studios, and the show will air on Sept. 21. Before her arrival in Atlanta, Bedi joined Lois Reitzes on “City Lights” to discuss the upcoming live show and talked about the importance of cultural shows like “The Arts Hour” or “City Lights.”

“There is an awful lot that people can say through art that they couldn’t necessarily say on a news program,” said Bedi.

Tickets for the show and more information can be found on our website