Officials Hope Changes in Remediation Will Help More Students Earn Degrees

Martha Dalton/WABE News

The University System of Georgia wants to increase its number of college graduates. A big part of the strategy is changing the remedial education program—often referred to as Grade 13.

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University system officials say a small percentage of students who took remedial courses went on to earn a degree. In addition, students paid for those courses, but didn’t earn credit for them. Lynne Weisenbach, the system’s Vice Chancellor for educational access and success, says officials have redesigned remedial courses so students will benefit.

“What we’re doing is putting them into credit-bearing courses and designing the support that they need at the same time that they’re taking those courses, and so they’re moving concurrently, if you will, the course and the support at the same time,” she says.

Weisenbach says the idea is to help students get out of remedial courses and onto a degree track sooner. The system also revised its policy in 2012 so students who qualify for more than two remedial courses can’t enroll.