One Night Only, Atlanta Falcons Player Changes Venue

Justin Blalock/Jeff Roffman

Tonight student musicians from the Atlanta area, including members of the Atlanta Symphony Youth Orchestra and Talent Development Program, will perform a Side-By-Side concert with members of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra.

And there’s a very special guest also in the mix.

He’s back.

All 320 lbs. of Atlanta Falcons offensive lineman Justin Blalock will join in on this year’s Side-By-Side concert.

Last year Blalock was a guest conductor.

The Dallas, Texas native admits his love for music and specifically the tuba is just as big as playing football.

“I was in the band from 6th grade to 11th grade and it was something I really enjoyed. And obviously haven’t been able to stay into as much, but recently I’ve, I guess, had the itch to get back into it.”

Blalock gave up playing music in the 11th grade because football was taking up so much of his time.

It’s been a while since he’s played, but with some guidance, Blalock has been practicing.

“I was very fortunate to get loaned a tuba from Michael Moore, he’s the principle tuba for the ASO. He’s been very, very kind and taking me under his wing, if you will. [Moore’s] provided lesson trying to get me up to speed so hopefully I’ll sound somewhat like I belong.

Justin Blalock is spokesperson for the Atlanta Symphony’s music education efforts which includes the campaign, When I Play.

As for tonight’s musical selection, the Superman March is the main theme for the man of steel himself, it was composed by the incomparable John Williams.

The concert begins at 7:30.