Price Decides Not to Run for U.S. Senate

Rep. Tom Price announced today that he will not run to fill the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Saxby Chambliss.  Price, the Republican congressman representing the sixth district, said in a statement (PDF) that “at this point my focus must be on the urgent policy issues and the privilege I have been given of being in a position to effect positive change.”

However, Price did not close the door completely.  His statement continued, “As of today, it is my intention to offer myself for re-election to represent the citizens of the 6th District of Georgia in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2014.”

Price joins Rep. John Barrow as the second member of the Georgia congressional delegation to decide against running for the Senate seat.  Barrow had been considered the strongest potential Democratic candidate.

On the Republican side, Representatives Jack Kingston, Phil Gingrey, and Paul Broun, Jr., have all announced plans to run for the seat.

Several publications such as the Washington Post and The Hill have speculated that Price’s decision may encourage former Komen Foundation executive and Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel to enter the Republican race as well.