On Punk Black To-Go, “City Lights” music contributor Von Phoenix brings us highlights from local artists of color performing in various music and art arenas — many of whom break stereotypes and expectations.
Phoenix’s mission with Punk Black is to create a radically inclusive space for BIPOC artists, musicians and cosplayers, expanding the vocabulary of what it means to live in the punk world. This month’s edition serves up a selection of today’s can’t-miss radical creators on the edge of the BIPOC scene.
This month’s highlights:
Nina Garbus – “Took me back to my garage band days, except for, you know, they were way better than we were back then, and of course, not in a garage,” said Phoenix. Today’s featured track, “Magnum,” carries an angular, chunky guitar swagger underneath dreamy, washed-out vocal musings. Hear more at ninagarbus.bandcamp.com, and follow on Instagram at @ninagarbus.
Hijas de la Muerte – Phoenix calls them “one of those bands that you fall in love with at first sight … They’re like a love child of The Pillows and Alice In Chains.” Punk rock on an epic scale, their featured track “Cobra Man” soars over wide distortion with powerful riot-grrrl-energy vocals. They’re on Instagram at @hdlmofficial.