Punk Black To-Go: February’s local music recommendations from Von Phoenix

von phoenix punk black
Von Phoenix of "Punk Black" talks about some of his favorite artists of color. (Photo by Aki Ikejiri)

On Punk Black To-Go, “City Lights” music contributor Von Phoenix  brings us highlights from local artists of color performing in various music and art arenas — many of whom break stereotypes and expectations. 

Phoenix’s mission with Punk Black is to create a radically inclusive space for BIPOC artists, musicians and cosplayers, expanding the vocabulary of what it means to live in the punk world. This month’s edition serves up a selection of today’s can’t-miss radical creators on the edge of the BIPOC scene.

This month’s highlights:

Nina Garbus – “Took me back to my garage band days, except for, you know, they were way better than we were back then, and of course, not in a garage,” said Phoenix. Today’s featured track, “Magnum,” carries an angular, chunky guitar swagger underneath dreamy, washed-out vocal musings. Hear more at ninagarbus.bandcamp.com, and follow on Instagram at @ninagarbus.

Hijas de la Muerte – Phoenix calls them “one of those bands that you fall in love with at first sight … They’re like a love child of The Pillows and Alice In Chains.” Punk rock on an epic scale, their featured track “Cobra Man” soars over wide distortion with powerful riot-grrrl-energy vocals. They’re on Instagram at @hdlmofficial.

The Muslims – These recent signees to Epitaph Records bring ferocious attitude with track titles like “F*** the Cistem,” “F*** These F***in Fascists” and today’s featured track, “Call the Cops.” According to Phoenix, “The Muslims’ sound really embodies punk and in all of its aspects, to me — powerful lyrics, dope rhythms, high energy, fun and the need to speak the overall truth, their own truth and the truth of others.” Find more on Instagram at @themuslimz. 

Phoenix’s new segment Punk Black To-Go can be heard monthly on “City Lights,” and more about the Atlanta-based media collective Punk Black can be found at punkblack.com.