Radio Station Uses Carrier Pigeons to Communicate with Reporters

In an age when people seem obsessed with mobile devices and smart phones, we thought we’d introduce you to a man who has brought back an older method of sending messages.  His name is Charles Edwards. If that name sounds familiar, that’s because he’s the interim news director here at WABE.  But what many people don’t know is that he sometimes uses carrier pigeons to communicate with reporters in the field.  WABE’s Steve Goss began this interview by asking him how he got started.

Here are the names of all of our carrier pigeons:

1.      Nina Totenbird

2.      Lakshmi Fling

3.      Carl Kestrel

4.      Lowest Flight-zes

5.      Doug Birdman

6.      Jim Birdess

7.      Ari Sharp-eye Row

8.      Denis Fly’dare

9.      The Phoenix

10.  Peter Seagull

11.  Robert Seagull

12.  Melissa Flock

13.  Jason Birdbien

14.  John Weatherbird

15.  Susan Stambird

16.  Audie Cornish Hen

17.  Gregory Warbler

18.  Allison Osprey

19.  Fly Ryssdal

20.  From “Car Flock”, the ‘flap it’ brother, Tom

21.  From “Car Flock”, the ‘flap it’ brother, Ray

22.  Wren Rossetto Kasper